Monday, May 24, 2010

Free Download

Just in... literally, in my email inbox.  Junior Astronomers have finished recording their EP with Kris from Solo Sound Studio at Legitimate Business in Greensboro, NC.  I won't get upset if you haven't heard of them... You could think of them as one of Charlotte's many prized secrets... or at least I do.  Junior Astronomers fit in the "indie" genre but have a raw, upbeat flair.  Their music is a breath of fresh air and their lyrics are metaphorical... they stand apart from any band you've heard, I'm sure!  Today, I'm actually hooking you up with their EP before even listening to it.  This band always receives good remarks so I do not see how this EP could be any different.

Whoa whoa whoaaah. I almost forgot! I almost forgot to distribute the goods! Check out JA recording their EP in this quirky video.  And here's the free download as promised.  JA are awesome guys on stage and as human beings.  Show them love on myspace and of course, facebook!  Jam out.

<a href="">Settle Down by Junior Astronomers</a>


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